CCACC Administrative Console Tool Help

Navigation: Club Data Tab Member Data Tab Tasks Tab Newsletter Tab
Known Issues


This tool provides administrators for the Chester County Antique Automobile Club to administer data belonging to the club.

The club organizes the application fee by family. Typically there will be a primary member that fills out the application. On the application they can list other members in their household they wish to include such as spouses/significant others and children. Much of the data (address, contact, cars, app data, etc.) on this tool is centered around a family that signed up. Some choices, like Executive Committee, Directors, and Committee Assignments allow selecting from all family members. The rest of this document helps assist in discovering how this tool is organized and can be used to administer this information.

This tool is best used on desktop computer monitor that can display a web browser at least 1024px wide.

The site is organized as tabs with categorized functions available. The tabs are described below.

Club Data Tab

This tab contains lists of data related to the club that can be added to, updated, and removed. A tabular display of the data is displayed with various actions that can be performed as described below.

Member Data Tab

This tab contains lists of data related to the club members that can be added to, updated, and removed. A tabular display of the data is displayed with various actions that can be performed as described below

Tasks Tab

This tab provides categorized links to tasks that can be performed. This includes updating data in bulk, sending group emails, and downloading various club documents.

Newsletter Tab

This tab provides the ability to provide various newsletter content text.

Known Problems